Every corner. Every nook.
Nothing Unchecked.

Best Cleaning Service Packages

Our cleaning services

At Chopper Cleaning Co, our highly trained, experienced, and skilled cleaning
specialists offer thorough and organised cleaning services for clients across UK.

Standard Cleaning

Our standard cleanings handle all dirty surfaces and areas of the property. From Dusting, vacuuming, mopping , we’re capable of handling it all. “Take your stress away by booking our professional cleaning service.

Deep cleaning

Our deep cleaning service is perfect for homeowners looking to refresh their space with an intense, thorough clean. Ideal for seasonal cleaning or after special occasions, we tackle hidden dirt and grime to leave your home sparkling and revitalised.

moving cleaning

Whether you’re moving in or moving out we can handle the job. Our detailed cleanings allow former tenants to feel relieved about not having to spend time cleaning after moving. A deep scrubbing process removing old dirt, mold, pet hair, even the kids left over crayon marks! For our new tenants our cleanings provide the new “welcome home” sensation. “A spotless cleaning with a fresh breeze scented aroma.”

Airbnb Cleaning

Our Airbnb cleaning service is designed to keep your property in perfect condition for incoming guests. We focus on a detailed clean, providing fresh linens and a welcoming atmosphere to enhance your guests' experience and maintain high ratings. Reliable and efficient, we ensure your space is always guest-ready.

Construction cleaning

A heavy duty cleaning service. We handle inside and outside cleanings for properties under construction. “An immaculate service for builders who need trash disposal, paint removal, yard management, deep cleans and more.”

Commercial cleaning

At The Chopper Cleaning Co, we offer professional commercial cleaning solutions tailored to your business needs. From offices to retail spaces, our team delivers high-quality cleaning that ensures a clean, safe, and productive environment for your staff and customers. We provide flexible schedules and comprehensive services to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness.

Why Us?

Good question! Here are our top reasons

Experienced Cleaners

Experienced Cleaners

Safety First


Experienced Cleaners

Online communication with us is
seamless and easy. It only takes 1
minute to book.

Safety First



Attention to Detail

Flexible Scheduling


Attention to Detail

Flexible Scheduling

Get Started with Our Cleaning Company Today!

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